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Miles to Feet

Welcome to miles to feet, our article about the United States customary systems measurement and imperial units of length conversion.

To abbreviate miles it is recommended (NIST) using the symbol mi to avoid ambiguity with other units such as the meter.

However, m, M and ml can also be seen occasionally, including the spelling variants with a trailing period.

The short form for foot (plural: feet) is ft, though the prime symbol ′ is also common.

Thus, if you have been looking for mi to ft, then you are right here as well. 🙂

In the next section you can find our miles to feet converter.

The term mile, unless noted otherwise, stands for the international mile; nautical and historical miles are discussed further below.



How to Convert Miles to Feet?

In order to convert the units you can either use our converter above, or apply the formula explained a few lines down.

Our app provides you with the result in feet as well as feet and inches.

Bookmark our mi to ft converter right now, and observe that it rounds to ten digits.

In case you need more decimal places, then apply the formula below using pen and pencil or a calculator.

Here you can change feet to miles

Next is the math, along with an example calculation.


An (international) mile is equal to 5,280 feet.

Therefore, the miles to ′ formula is [ft] = [mi] × 5280.

In order to obtain mi in feet multiply the length in miles by 5280. For example: 10 miles in feet = 10 × 5280 = 52800 ft.

Should you need more examples, then check out our frequent miles to ft conversions because each post also contains the math in full detail:

Note that you can locate lots of miles in feet conversions making use the search form in the menu and the sidebar.

In the next part we are going to elaborate on miles in feet, and there we also review the FAQs in the context of the miles to unit conversion.

Mi to Ft Conversion

History has seen many varying definitions of mile such as the Roman, Italian and Arabic mile, let alone the historical miles used in Britain, Ireland et cetera.

Luckily, the international mile, the unit of length under consideration here, has been standardized in the year 1959 as 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards by the international yard and pound agreement.

That agreement has been ratified by the UK, the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa to overcome small differences which had arisen from separate yard standards.

In essence, one international mile = 63,360 inches = 5,280 feet = 1,760 yards = 1.609344 km.

If something remains in the dark, then simply fill in our comment form towards the end of this page.

Alternatively, you can get in touch with us by email employing the subject how many feet in a mile.

Either way we hear from you, we aim to get back to you at the earliest opportunity.

In the following paragraph we discuss how to change miles to ft and inches combined.

Miles to Feet and Inches

In case you like to change a length in miles to feet and inches, then employ this formula: [ft] + [in] = Int ([mi] × 5280) + Mod ([mi] × 5280) × 12.

In order to get miles in ′ and ″ write down the integer part of the distance in miles multiplied by 5280 as feet, then the multiply the remainder by 12 and write it down as inches.

Way easier is using our calculator above.

Next is the summary of mi in ft, followed by additional information regarding nautical miles, which are approximately 15% longer than the land mile aka statute mile.

Bottom Line

You have reached the concluding part about convert miles to ft.

This depiction sums it all up:

We have written this article to help people, in particular those from countries which use the decimal system of measurement, with the United States and imperial units length conversion.

You can try to remember our content by this definition: 5,280 feet equal one international mile, not to be confused with the nautical mile comprising of about 6076.12 ft.

If our information has been helpful to you, then you are perhaps also interested in our other calculators and websites, placed in the “recommended” section in our sidebar.

Don’t forget to hit the share buttons to spread the word about miles in ft.

We are also looking forward to your comments which you can leave using the designated form at the bottom.

Further information about the units under consideration can be found on the referenced sites.

Thanks for visiting Miles to Feet.

More Information:

– Article written by Mark, last updated on February 12th, 2024